1. National COVID 19 Resiliency Network (NCRN), 40 million USD, US Office of Minority Health
FPRC will develop culturally competent COVID 19 testing and vaccine messages in partnership with the Morehouse College of Medicine. Role: Research Assistant
2. Schlumberger Foundation for Faculty for the Future fellowship, 50,000 USD 2021-2022
Role: PI
3. Women in Leadership and Philanthropy Scholarship, 2018-2021
1. USF College of Public Health Doctoral Fellowship, 2018-2020
2. USF College of Public Health Book Scholarship, 2018-2020
3. Florida Department of Health Tobacco Control Program, Parvanta (PI), March-June 2020 A comparison of surveys, focus group and neuromarketing measures of message effectiveness for anti-smoking communications. Role: Research Assistant
4. Florida Department of Health, Parvanta (PI), 2017-2021
Coordination of Regional Cancer Control Collaborative, assist member organizations located in 16 counties of southwest Florida in their efforts to achieve the goals of the Florida Cancer Control and Research Plan and the regional collaborative strategic plan.
Role: Research Assistant & Collaborative Chair
5. United Nations Fund for Population Benin Grant, Bewa (PI), 2019
Using innovative technologies to improve sexual and reproductive health and promote youth participation and engagement
6. Centers for Disease Control, Parvanta (PI), 2014-2019
Community-Based Prevention Marketing for Systems Change: Reducing colorectal cancer Disparities through the Florida Prevention Research Center’s core research project.
Role: Research Assistant
7. SAHMSA, Complex Systems Innovation (CSI) and The Partners North Carolina Systems of Care Expansion Project (PNC-SOC), Walby (PI), Role: Evaluation and Research Assistant
8. USF Health WELL Mini-grant, Cultural Competency, Bewa (PI), 2018
9. Lisa de Safey Award for patient-centered communication, Bewa (PI), 2018
10.Fulbright Scholarship, 2016-2018